Sunday, January 26, 2020

Misha's Story


It’s crazy to think this time last year I was a totally different lassie.

I was a mess, stuck in a relationship with a monster. I looked a total state and my life was a living hell. I didn’t see any way out of it and I felt trapped!
I finally found the strength and the courage to walk away from THAT toxic person after five long horrendous years together.
HE brought me down and broke me as a person, physically and mentally.
HE was violent and shattered my confidence.
HE made me feel worthless and destroyed my mental health.
I lost so much weight through stress and living in fear on a daily basis and my appearance was awful, I hated myself but I had no motivation to do anything about it.
I lost many friends, had fall outs with my family and it was all surrounding him.
I would defend him to anyone, I felt like I had to, even when he wasn’t around.
I had no self-confidence what so ever!

I was a shell of my former self, bruised, beaten both mentally and physically and cracked, but not yet broken!
With the help and support of certain people (they know who they are, and I will forever be thankful to them) I picked myself up, dusted myself off and began to rebuild ME. 
I found the courage to walk away.
I began looking after myself again, eating correctly, training, going back onto the sunbeds, wearing make-up and feeling good.
And I can now say that after a year I’M BACK!

A whole lot wiser, a whole lot smarter and a whole lot stronger, and I will never allow myself go through that again!
To be told what to do.
To be controlled.
To be told what to wear.
To be told who I can and can’t talk to.
To be made to feel totally worthless.
It was a horrible thing to go through but it was a life experience that has made me the person I am today.

To all of you reading this...
Don’t ever let any man or woman tell you what to do or how to look/dress or act.
Don’t ever let any man or woman make you feel unloved and worthless.
You are you and you are all the person you will ever need to be!
If THEY can’t accept you for you and love you the way you are then GET RID!
If THEY bring you down to make you feel bad about yourself then GET RID!
THAT IS ABUSE and it is controlling, NO ONE deserves to go through domestic abuse mentally or physically!
I know there are a lot of people out there like me that have been through similar and walked away, but unfortunately there are also so many out there STILL going through this torture and for you people I pray you find your strength.
Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.

Misha x

Thank you, Misha, for sharing your story on domestic abuse and helping to further raise awareness to this on-going issue.
I am sure your brutal and honest story will relate to many men and women out there and hopefully give those in need the courage to stand up, fight back and realise their own self-worth.
You’re an inspiration to many.
You’re a survivor and warrior!


Mark 💪

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